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Register of Church Services


Episcopal Logo
Register of Church Services



How do I get my account setup?
If you setup an account with the email address you use to login to the Parochial Report filing system, it will be automatically approved and you can start using your account and entering information immediately.

If you use a different email address to setup your account, it needs to be manually approved and confirmed that you are affiliated with the UEID entered. This process can take up to 24 hours.

How many users can we have on our account?
There is no limit to the number of users, so you can have multiple logins associated with your parish.

What if I am a priest serving multiple parishes?
Just like with the Parochial Report filing system, you can have one login associated with multiple UEIDS. Simply choose your first UEID, and then start typing your next one. You can have as many as needed.

In the list of UEIDs, I see one for my diocese, should I use that?
Just like parishes, dioceses file reports, and they have chapels where worship happens, those UEIDs enable diocesan staff to record worship at diocesan facilities and events. You do not need to indicate your diocese, because each UEID is truly unique, and we know which diocese you are once that UEID is supplied.

What is the difference between “regular” and “special”?
Regular is to indicate any and all regularly scheduled worship services in a congregation. This can include Saturday or Sunday worship, as well as weekday worship, if it is held weekly or monthly. Special services would be weddings, funerals, a weekday evening confirmation service etc. Perhaps it is helpful to think of “regular” services you would feel comfortable painting on the sign in front of your building, whereas special ones are simply announced or only added to an events calendar.

Does this replace the paper book?
It can, if you would like. Some congregations may still prefer to continue to use the paper book as well for any number of reasons. Some may find it useful, particularly in large parishes with multiple services and staff to have everything entered in the book and then one designated person who does data entry each week. Please do whatever works best in your context. If you need to provide a record of your services to the bishop, you can simply print out the spreadsheet. We also recommend printing it out monthly, as an additional backup to the online version. Please know that there are redundancies built into the online system to ensure that data is secure and backed up daily. And you don’t have to worry about anyone spilling coffee on your book!

Can I set defaults for my frequent services? Defaults are not allowed. Each field, however, is "searchable" by simply typing a few letters for place, language, service, etc. Nevertheless, you can create a pre-fill service that includes everything except the date and figures. To do this, go to the Stats page, scroll down to your entries and click the "Save as Prefill" option. For better instructions, see "How do I save and remove prefill options?".

How do I save and remove prefill options? To set and remove prefill data options, please visit your Stats page (https://parishregister.episcopalchurch.org/stats/). Once there, scroll down to the bottom of the page to the “REGISTER SERVICES FOR 2024” section. In the following grid there is a column for “Save as Prefill.” To add a form as a prefill option, click the “Add as Prefill” link. To remove a form as a prefill option, click the “Remove Prefill” link. Once added, the prefill data form option will show up in the dropdown menu for “Register Services.” Click here to view a tutorial. 

Number Cards Calculations

Total Online:

  • Type: Yearly total
  • Entered into: the Total Viewership After 7 Days form box
  • Type of Service: Any
  • Format of Service: Hybrid or Online
  • Days: Any

Total In-Person Regular:

  • Type: Yearly total
  • Entered into: the Number Present form box
  • Type of Service: Regular
  • Format of Service: Any
  • Days: Any

Total In-Person Special:

  • Type: Yearly total
  • Entered into: the Number Present form box
  • Type of Service: Special
  • Format of Service: Any
  • Days: Any

Average Weekday Attendance:

  • Type: Weekly average
  • Entered into: the Number Present form box
  • Type of Service: Any
  • Format of Service: Any
  • Days: Saturday day or Monday - Friday

Average Regular Attendance (not Sat/Sun):

  • Type: Weekly average
  • Entered into: the Number Present form box
  • Type of Service: Regular
  • Format of Service: Any
  • Days: Saturday day or Monday-Friday

Average Sunday Attendance (ASA) Online Live:

  • Type: Weekly average
  • Entered into: the Total Live Viewership form box
  • Type of Service: Regular
  • Format of Service: Online or Hybrid
  • Days: Saturday night or Sunday

Average Sunday Attendance (ASA) In-Person:

  • Type: Weekly average
  • Entered into: the Number Present form box
  • Type of Service: Regular
  • Format of Service: In-Person or Hybrid
  • Days: Saturday night or Sunday

Total In-Person Regular Sunday Service:

  • Type: Yearly total
  • Entered into: the Number Present form box
  • Type of Service: Regular
  • Format of Service: In-Person or Hybrid
  • Days: Saturday night or Sunday

Total of Number Receiving:

  • Type: Yearly total
  • Entered into: the Number Receiving Communion form box
  • Type of Service: Any
  • Format of Service: Hybrid or Online
  • Days: Any